Project Description


Port of Seattle

Contract Value:


Relocation of the Port’s Aviation Maintenance Facility (AMF) from its current location in the North Cargo area is required to clear the site for construction of the A08 Hardstand (north) project. The AMF will be located on the west side of the airport in the West-side Maintenance Campus and situated on a set of tiered platforms moving down the hill side. The new AMF will accommodate the relocation of current AMF facilities which includes a vehicle fuel rack, airfield deicer storage, and an approximate 135,000 square feet multi-bay building. The West-side Maintenance Campus will also accommodate relocation of the snow shed from the General Aviation area; relocation of the Port’s Stormwater Lab and Wildlife Management Facility from Port property south of the airfield; and a new Consolidated Resource Recovery Facility (CRRF). The CRRF will be a fully enclosed building for consolidation of Airport waste materials to improve waste handling efficiency; enhance solid waste collection and storage capacity; and provide opportunities to optimize truck traffic. In addition, this facility will provide opportunities for environmental benefits through the sorting and recovery of compostable and non-compostable materials to enhance waste diversion from landfill. Materials will be processed to compact non-compostable waste and reduce the volume and weight of compostable materials through pulping and potentially anaerobic digestion or use of other waste-to-energy conversion technologies.

WT is actively providing cost estimating support services on projects under the direction of Capital Development at the Port of Seattle. Based on-site at the SeaTac International Airport, WT continues to provide a full suite of project cost, controls and procurement management on the airport’s airside, landside, terminal and utility development program.