Project News

GOVERNOR GREEN announces release of rfp for procurement

Honolulu, HI — Governor Josh Green, M.D. announced the release of the New Aloha Stadium Entertainment District (NASED) RFP on December 14th 2023 marking the launch of the procurement process.

The NASED project is inclusive of the new Aloha Stadium and the surrounding district to be delivered jointly as one integrated public-private-partnership (P3) project. The issuance of the RFP is the first in a three-stage procurement process which is intended to result in one or more contract(s) with a single private entity to be engaged as a Master Developer to masterplan and deliver the NASED Project.

“Today’s release of the New Aloha Stadium Entertainment District RFP signals that the project is moving forward as a public-private-partnership agreement and is going to benefit our community into the future,” said Hawai‘i Governor Josh Green, M.D.

“Building a new modern stadium is critical, but so is housing. The NASED RFP includes 4,500 new housing units along the rail line with 70 percent dedicated to workforce housing and 20 percent for affordable housing units. This is an exciting opportunity for the young people of our state – it not only gives them a place to celebrate high school and UH sports, and a venue to enjoy concerts – but will also help to address our state’s housing crisis. This is something we’re going to be proud of and is going to be an anchor for us on O‘ahu.”

WT has been part of the State of Hawaii’s multi-disciplinary project team and engaged as the Program Management Office (PMO) lead, throughout the investigation, definition, and implementation of the NASED project, since 2017.

To view the RFP release from the State of Hawaii and for more information on the NASED project, visit